Monday, August 25, 2008

Decidedly unwedding related

Ok so this is something totally random, completely unwedding related, but the idea has been forming inside my head.

It finally came to me in a moment of understanding, like dawning, in my head. The Olympics are coming to a close. I've been watching a lot of the history channel. And to top it off, the last several books I've read involve immigrants. All of these independent activities bring me to my epiphany.

We should be proud to be Americans. Yes, we've all heard the saying a thousand times. Proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Yes, we know the songs, we've worn the red, white and blue shirts on the 4th of July, we placed our hand over our hearts for the National Anthem. But have we ever really pondered what it means to be an American? Why we're Americans? How? When?

It's so much more than the Battle at Bunker Hill. I was driving back to work from lunch today listening to Middlesex when it struck me. All of us, each and every one of us, come from people who have had to fight to be here. Whether it be 400 years ago with the British and Spanish, 125 years ago with the Italians and Irish, 75 years ago with the Chinese/Asian/Korean/etc or 30 years ago. Whoever you come from, those people didn't just wake up one day and say hey, I want to be an American, pack their bags and hop a plane to the good ol USA.

They fought tooth and nail to get here. They gave up everything to start over. Would we be willing to do what our ancestors did in order to secure us the cushy lives that we've known since birth? Would we give it all up to move across the world into the great unknown with no more than a few cubic feet of storage space to store everything you need? Not even knowing where you will go once you land?

Honestly, I cannot say I would. Which makes me sad. My ancestors gave up everything to come to this land. My blood is their blood. What do I have in my life to truly be proud of? What have I accomplished that would make THEM proud? And the same can be said of most of my generation. We whine and complain because our cell phone bills are going up, or the price of gas is outrageous, or our commute is too long. Are we really the descendents of these freedom fighters? Do we really share their genetics?

Anyway, the whole point of this is our country was founded, created, built by people who risked it all to be here. I'd like to live up to their memory someday. I'm proud to be an American.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vendor complaints

I'm learning that wedding vendors are notorious for being incredibly slow on getting back to you about anything. I've had some luck with a few that have been incredibly fast and a breeze to work with.

Then there's the rest. My floral designer dumped me after 7 weeks of trying to get a quote out of her. And I thought we were friends!

And now my invitation girl. I think I'm too nice. Yes, that must be it. I tell people oh no hurry, but I figure that means you don't have to get it to me today, just, ya know, this quarter would be nice.

I guess technically I don't need my invitations done and ready to print. I haven't even finished my save the date thingies and those need to be mailed in like 2 weeks.

But still! It's been a month and I'm becoming an Impatient Ingrid.

And another thing

Is everytime really not a word? I consider myself fairly decent at the English language. This throws me for a loop.

Not a wedding complaint. Clearly.

How boring is this going to be?

It's mostly a place for me to vent my wedding frustrations. I assume after the wedding, it will be a place for me to vent my married frustrations. I did the livejournal thing for years, still have my account, but I'm starting fresh.

I'm getting married. Big surprise. April 18, 2009 I'll officially become a Mrs. Why is it I'm so much less excited about that than the average bride I encounter on the knot? (A place I spend far too much time and have since about January.) Don't get me wrong, I love Jason, I want to be his wife, but I'm just not head over heels about ZOMG I AM GOING TO BE MARRIEDDDDD. I get to have a wedding! I get to have all eyes on me!

That's totally not me. This wedding has been nothing short of terrifying to plan for me. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad, but really, should it take 2 months to pick out an invitation? And will people really care nearly as much as I have? They'll spend 8 seconds getting the information off of it and either toss it or put it on their fridge, if I'm that lucky. But yet I spent agonizingly large amounts of time on this. I'm still not completely convinced I chose the right one.

I'm not a person that should be given that many options. I should be given two, maybe three, but never more than that. My life would be so much simpler.

Anyway, the real reason that sparked my desire to start this blog was the dreaded "Bridesmaids Newsletter". For those of you that are not married or who are and were never completely obsessed with your wedding, this is the new thing. Brides spend hours designing these newsletters to send out to their girls to let them know EVERYthing you've been working on.

Why in God's name would your bridesmaids want to know you have officially decided on a cake and have booked the baker? Can someone PLEASE explain this to me? Does anyone really care they you found the shoes to go with your dress other than you and possibly your mother? And the girls on the knot? No.

And do bridesmaids really need a newsletter to know where to find their dress? Send them a farking email! Gah! Ok, in all honesty, I will set up a special page on my wedding website for them to log into that will hold all that info, but that is only so if they forget, they know they can go look it up.

Your bridesmaids have one job, wear a dress whilst standing next to you on your wedding day. If they happen to be interested in your wedding plans, then by all means, drown them in senseless wedding talk. I know I do! But only if they ask or show interest. It's like your birthday, the only person really excited about it is you and maybe your significant other because it means they get to go out to eat too.

Ok, I'll stop complaining now.